SDG 13 And Saving The Climate

KG 9/24/20 How much for granted do we take the Earth? Do we as human beings even think about ourselves when we think of what we are doing to our only home? I do not know. But I do know that there are people trying to save the Earth from destruction because we can’t live without the Earth. Some of those people include the UN. They made 17 goals they believe they can achieve by 2030. One of those goals includes climate action, which is to try to harm the environment less than we already do. The honest truth is that the real root of the problem is Global Warming. Hunger is another big problem which should be dealt with by getting rid of poverty but the root of it all is Global Warming. This is because without the Earth, we wouldn’t be able to live in general. On the bottom of Maslow's human pyramid of human needs, what is most important to us is food, water, air, and sleep. Without those things humans won’t be able to live. Then comes shelter and other things that we need less of but to an extent, we still need. However, without the Earth, none of that will matter because of Global Warming. No more water, no more healthy air, and no more food. We will all have one good night's sleep. Why should we want to get up? We won’t. So to prevent that, we must act now to stop Global Warming. Right now, the Earth is already in a lot of pain. It has a fever that doesn’t intend to go down anytime soon and is rotting away little by little. By doing little things to help the Earth to help us, we can see drastic changes for the better. Our air quality might get better which means lower possibility of catching asthma and/or causing asthma attacks. Hopefully, water will be safer to drink and people will actually be fine with tap water. Food won’t be filled up with GMOs because the food naturally evolved without being hurt to be bigger and more nutritious. There are many things we can do to help the Earth and the environment. We can stop or lower the use of fossil fuels and replace them with renewable energy sources such as wind power, solar power, and water power. We could which some people do but on a larger scale use marine wildlife feces to feed trees and plants and they filter the water for marine wildlife. I’m thinking as big as lakes as a start. We could reduce the amount of smoking or change the way it is. Maybe make a vaping source that might not produce nicotine but something healthy to the human body in some way where it is very hard to overdose and to where you don’t get dependent on it. A drug that can cure addiction. And the vape is healthy for the ozone layer, where it builds it rather than destroys it. Maybe microdose of shrooms and weed but you feel like you’re smoking with extra healthy chemicals that help the ozone layer? I don’t know, just thinking on my computer. In conclusion, we are equally much stronger and weaker than we think we are. We have the power to destroy the only place we can survive with ease. But do we have the power to fix it? I believe that if we try hard enough, maybe. We will need a lot of help and resources to do such a thing. But that doesn’t mean we should quit. We can do this! Main Scource MLA: “Climate Change – United Nations Sustainable Development.” United Nations, United Nations,


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