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Water you doing
Hello once again. Today I am going to be reflecting what I did today for the action project. It was actually extremely fun. In gallons every day, I use one hundred and sixty one gallons. In liters every day, I use six hundred and nine point four zero five liters. In pounds every day, I use four thousand, five hundred and eight gallons. My four categories that I used for my water usage was my shower time, how long the bathroom sink runs per day, the toilet and how many time I flush it, and my kitchen sink as well as my dish washer and how many times that runs. The average person in the United States of America uses surprisingly less water than me every day. The average person in the United States of America uses one hundred and fifty one point eight nine nine gallons of water per day, five hundred and seventy nine liters of water per day, and finally last but definitely not least, four thousand two hundred and fifty three point one seven two pounds of water per day. That sure is a lot right? Yea and the title of the poster is "My water consumption is too much." I did the poster online so therefore I did not use that many materials. I believe that everybody should use low water using faucets for their sinks, Shower heads, Toilets, and pee! Lol. Just kidding about the last part but I think you get my point. On September 25, our class took water from the Chicago River to the school and it took about ten minutes and it was about half a mile long from the school. From my house, Lake Michigan is around half a mile also therefore, it will also take about ten minutes. It will take me 1,218 minutes to carry six hundred and nine liters. It will also take me twenty point three hours to carry that same amount since that amount of minutes converts to that amount of hours.
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