Kyle Gordon

Today I am going to make a rap song about SDG 11. SDG stands for Sustainable Development Goals, and there are 17 of them. The UN believes that all 17 of them can be completed by 2030. I don't think we can but we can try.

Do you know about the SDGs
People believe that we can achieve
All 17 of them by 2030
Come on that means no hunger or poverty
As well as many other things like saving bees and stopping thieves
In 11 years but obviously not all dreams
Come true cuz we still got many fiends
Comin thru destroying democracy

With dumb policies can’t even call the police
For safety y is y'all bothering me
We need Sustainable cities and communities
So that everyone is at least treated equally


Roads of the ghetto are bumpy not mellow
The streets are very scary because gunshots make echos
Heaven says Hell no to nice kind fellows cuz
Blues apparently better than black red and yellow
Do do do do do wait W T F
Your rent just went all the way to white heaven
The number of rich folks moving on your block is 7
That's why we need to achieve SDG 11


We need sustainable communities because
You wont need to deal drugs in order to get love
And the companies won’t be korrupt
They will make rent affordable for all of us
There would be many jobs the windows wouldn’t shatter
Cuz no one would of gotten shot yea no blood splattered
The sun doesn’t seem too hot and people wouldn't get sadder
Cuz there everyone matters  too bad dreams don’t matter 



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