SDG 13 And Saving The Climate
KG 9/24/20 How much for granted do we take the Earth? Do we as human beings even think about ourselves when we think of what we are doing to our only home? I do not know. But I do know that there are people trying to save the Earth from destruction because we can’t live without the Earth. Some of those people include the UN. They made 17 goals they believe they can achieve by 2030. One of those goals includes climate action, which is to try to harm the environment less than we already do. The honest truth is that the real root of the problem is Global Warming. Hunger is another big problem which should be dealt with by getting rid of poverty but the root of it all is Global Warming. This is because without the Earth, we wouldn’t be able to live in general. On the bottom of Maslow's human pyramid of human needs, what is most important to us is food, water, air, and sleep. Without those things humans won’t be able to live. Then comes shelter and other things that we need less of b...